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Important: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all ASDA events are currently postponed. We hope you all are staying safe and healthy, and we have some exciting developments in the works to stay engaged with you and continue to help you on your journey towards becoming dentists! Make sure to follow us on Instagram (@ASDAdistrict7) for application updates and email if you have any questions!

Take charge of your future. Click here to join ASDA.

Are you applying to dental schools during the 2020-2021 application cycle? District 7 is here to help. Below you will find information on each school's application cycle and important updates regarding COVID-19.

The University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry


  1. Deadline: Extended until December 1st, 2020 for both primary and secondary applications

  2. Prerequisites: Pass/Fail courses will only be accepted for courses taken during Spring and Summer semesters of 2020 

    • All other prerequisite courses are to remain the same​

  3. DAT Scores: Submit ASAP 

  4. Transcripts: Will only accept Pass/Fail grades for all courses taken during Spring and Summer semesters of 2020

  5. Shadowing: Reducing standard recommended hours from 100 to 50 hours



Indiana University School of dentistry 

Note: The admissions email has changed to


  1. Priority Deadline: Changed to November 15th

  2.  Prerequisites: Pass/Fail courses from Spring 2020 and Summer 2020 will be accepted

  3. Letters of Recommendation: If an applicant is unable to submit any letters of recommendation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, they should continue to submit their application

    • Although these letters may be submitted late, please get them in  as soon as possible

  4. DAT Scores: Strongly encouraged to submit an application as soon as possible even if DAT is pending

  5. Transcripts: Unofficial transcripts will not be accepted

  6. Shadowing: 100 hours of shadowing are strongly recommended, not required.




  1. Priority Deadline: Changed from October 1 to October 15

  2. Prerequisites: Pass/Fail instead of letter grade during Spring and Summer  2020 semesters are acceptable

    • Letter grade highly recommended if there is an option

    • All online prereqs accepted

  3. Letters of Recommendation: If a letter of recommendation is from a Pass/Fail class it must be a science class

  4. DAT Scores: Strongly encouraged to submit an application as soon as possible even if DAT is pending

    • Contact Rebekah Huff (Rebekah.huff@uky) with unofficial scores for timely updating

  5. Transcripts: Unofficial transcripts will be accepted

    • By December 1st, all interviewed applications must submit official copies for official admittance offer.

  6. Shadowing: Only 20 hours required, 50 strongly recommended 

    • If unable to meet these requirements, they will have an opportunity to indicate that on the application​





  1. Prerequisites: Both letter grades and pass/fail (satisfactory/unsatisfactory) will be accepted  for the Spring and Winter 2020 semesters

  2. DAT Scores: Strongly encouraged to submit an application as soon as possible even if DAT is pending

    • Earliest possible test date encouraged​

  3. Shadowing: Recommended 40 hours of general dentistry shadowing before applying to ULSD.

  4. Questions: Maybe emailed to

  5. Website: Questions may be emailed to



Marquette University School of Dentistry


  1. Deadline: The priority deadline remains June 16, 2020

  2. Prerequisites: Coursework completed in the Spring and Summer of 2020 should opt for letter grades if given the option

    • Pass/Fail grades will be accepted, if students attend schools that only provide pass/fail option

  3. DAT Scores: Strongly encouraged to submit an application as soon as possible even if DAT is pending

    • DAT is still required and should be completed before the end of August, preferably

    • Emailed or faxed copies of unofficial DAT should be reported to

  4. Transcripts: Applications must include transcripts and letters of recommendation to be considered complete and verified

  5. Shadowing: Applicants are expected to have exposed themselves to ample shadowing and volunteer hours



Check back soon for updates for Midwestern University's College of Dental Medicine and Southern Illinois School of Dental Medicine 


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